This is my video and audio content page showcasing my skills in both fields but mostly as a video content maker.
Grace On Campus Documentary
I made this documentary to tell the story of the house I live in along with some of my house mates and people who are closely connected to the house. It was a really fun experience for me to work on this documentary as I got to know more about my peers while I was putting this project together. Overall, I really enjoyed making this documentary and I hope to be involved in making another one someday.
Cooking With Brody
This is a how to video where I teach you how to cook a Pakistani dish the proper way. I had a fun time making this video during the production process. I had my housemate Muhammad help me set everything up and gather the ingredients I needed to make the dish. Once I finished cooking the dish it tasted so good that it was mouthwatering.
Bemidji Veterans Home News story
For this project I went to the construction site of the Bemidji Veterans Home and spoke with the two people who were in charge of the project. It was really fun to get to know them and to learn about the status of the veteran's home construction. They were very nice people to work with and I hope to get more opportunities like this in the future.
Holiday Joy From the Winter Festival
This was a project I made for our TV program KBSU TV. I wanted to do a story based around Christmas in 2023 and try and capture the holiday spirit on campus during the winter festival held around early December. I had a fun time going to this event and getting some good camera shots along with putting it together when I was editing it.
BSU Speaks International Student Interview
For this interview, I interviewed two international students on campus at Benidji State University to discuss their experience of being international students in America. I was really invested in their story as they were both telling it to me during the interview. Harrison who is originally from Kenya and Engelbert who is originally from Cameroon were really nice to talk to and I enjoy the conversations we have every time I see them.
Muhamad Hasin Audio Interview
For this project I went to go interview my housemate Muhammad to ask him questions about his skills and passions. It was really interesting listening to him talk about his backstory in Pakistan from learning how to play cricket to learning how to cook for his family. We both had a good time doing this interview together since we are pretty good friends.
I made this audio ad for an assignment in my content creation class where we were supposed to record an ad to listen to and critique during class. I had some fun recording this as I worked on it and I think it was a good experience for me. I enjoyed trying out different types of voices and music for this ad and I'm personally impressed by how it turned out.